REST Web Service bindings :
The following operations are supported :
For a formal REST definition, please review the Open API v3 Service Description
base_url =
This operation is deprecated !- Get incidence data for an indicator for a geographic level (all available data).
- Return type : IncidenceDataset
- Parameters :
- indicator : int. id of the disease
- geo : string. geographic leveloptionalAccepted values: "PAY","REG","RDD","NUTS0","NUTS1","NUTS2"default:"PAY"
- span : string. span time. 'short' provides last ten time points, 'last' only last one (week or year).optionalAccepted values: "all","short","last"default:"all"
- GETHEAD{base_url}/datasetapplication/jsontext/csv
- Get a dataset by id. The id of a dataset is given in each indicator's dataset list The available span values for each dataset can vary. The dataset list in each indicator contains the list of available span.
- Return type : IncidenceDataset
- Parameters :
- id : string. $id
- span : string. span time. 'short' provides last ten time points, 'last' only last one (week or year).optionalAccepted values: "all","short","last"default:"all"
- {base_url}/lastweektext/plain
- Get last week number available (using ISO 8601 week number in a numeric format : YYYYWW)
- Return type : int
- {base_url}/lastyeartext/plain
- Get last year available
- Return type : int
- {base_url}/versiontext/plain
- Get Dabatase version id
- Return type : string
- GETHEAD{base_url}/indicatorsapplication/json
- Get list of available indicators
- Return type : Indicator[]
- {base_url}/datasourcesapplication/json
- List of available data sources.
- Return type : Datasource[]
- {base_url}/changelogapplication/json
- Changelog of the service
- Return type : Changelog[]
Complex Types Definitions
Fields :- metaIncidenceMetadata
- dataIncidenceRecord[]
Fields :- timestring Time scale of the data week (weekly data), year (yearly data)
- columnsIncidenceColumnsDescription
Fields :- timestring Name of the column containing time point of each record
- indicatorstring Name of the column containing the indicator identifier of each record
- valuestring[] Name of the columns containing the incidence values. "inc_" prefix refers to incidence (in number of cases), "inc100_" prefix refers
- geostring Name of the columns containing the geographic information of each record
Fields :- indicatorstring Surveillance indicator unique identifier. An indicator is defined for a given disease or health event under surveillance. A case definition is provided to define the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
- weekint nullable Time of observation for weekly data, number following 'YYYYWW' format (strftime '%G%V'), representing ISO 8601 year week number
- yearint nullable Year of observation (YYYY), only provided for for yearly data
- geo_inseestring INSEE (french statistic institute code) Use it for geograhphic area identifier. Note that 'FR' at national level does not include oversea lands.
- geo_namestring This element is deprecated ! Geographic area name. Only for human reading purpose.
- incint Estimated incidence (number of cases)
- inc100int Estimated incidence rate (cases per 100,000 inhabitants)
- inc_upint Upper bound of the estimated incidence (number of cases)
- inc_lowint Lower bound of the estimated incidence (number of cases)
- inc100_upint Upper bound of the estimated incidence rate (cases per 100,000 inhabitants)
- inc100_lowint Lower bound of the estimated incidence rate (cases per 100,000 inhabitants)
Fields :- idstring Surveillance indicator unique identifier (to be used to request data)
- namestring Indicator name (human readable label)
- case_definitionstring Case definition to include the patient in the surveillance process
- geostring[] Available geographic levels for the data. PAY=National level (mainland), REG=Regional level before 2016, RDD=Regional level after 2016
- periodsTimePeriod[] This element is deprecated ! List of data availability time periods This list is deprecated since and is now provided for each dataset of the indicator. The available time period can vary with data sources.
- warningstring nullable Warning information about this surveillance
- ongoingbool Flag indicating if this surveillance is actively maintained or not
- datasetsIndicatorDataset[] Available datasets for this indicator
- update_frequencystring Update frequency of the indicator.
- last_year_availableint Last year available
Fields :- frequencystring Time frequency (week, year)
- startint Starting time
- endint nullable Ending time
Fields :- idstring Dataset id.
- geostring Geographic level code (@see Indicator)
- geo_nutsstring Geographic level as NUTS level
- datasourcestring Data source name of the dataset
- time_scalestring Time resolution of the dataset. Can be 'week' or 'year'
- spansstring[] Available time spans. Time span available for this dataset.
- formatsstring[] Formats available for this dataset
- time_periodTimePeriod Time period of the dataset. If missing the time period is the one at the indicator of this datasaset.
Fields :- idstring Identifier of the datasource, to be used as value to specify datasource
- labelstring Data source label
- titlestring title of the data source (long description)
Fields :- datestring Date of the change (ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD)
- descriptionstring Description of the change (can contains HTML tags & entities)