Data access

For some indicators only annual data are available for download. Weekly data could be delivered on request for researchers

Timeseries on the graph

Add data to the graph

You can add a timeseries to the grapg by selecting the data to add on the form below and clicking on the add button

week year
Color palette
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You can download data (incidences and incidence rates) about the indicator for the whole surveillance period. We provide one file for each available georaphic level using CSV or JSON file format. The access to these files is under the API download rate limiting. The number of allowed requests is limited during a time window. The limits are detailled in the API documentation.

Type Geographic level Data sources Time period available Identifier  
  • : This icon marks the use of this dataset in our weekly report and in our epidemiological news of this website (on the home page for example)
Datasets are available using our API with more features. Some datasets are available on shorter periods to cover the case when only recent values are in use.
Available data formats
This calendar show the weeks of the selected year. Click on a column on the calendar below to select a week Select a year and then a week in this year in the table below Incidence rate of {{name}}
Sentinelles Sentinelles & IQVIA EMR

Use our data

We invite you to read the condition of use page [french]